Mercedes Heritage October 2009

Daimler Heritage: Topics for October 2009

 October 1889 – 110 years ago:
Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach exhibited their V-type engine and steel-wheeled car at the World Exposition in Paris, which gave rise to the development of the French automotive industry. A Benz Patent Motor Car was also on display at the World Exposition.

Other notable events:

28–30 October 1934 – 75 years ago: Rudolf Caracciola set several international records at the Gyon racetrack near Budapest, driving the Mercedes-Benz W 25 racing car.

24 October 1954 – 55 years ago: Juan Manuel Fangio won the Formula One World Championship in the Mercedes-Benz W 196 R.

October 1964 – 45 years ago: Eugen Böhringer and Klaus Kaiser won the Argentine Grand Prix, enabling Mercedes-Benz to take the title for the fourth time in succession.

3–13 October 1974 – 35 years ago: The new Mercedes-Benz O 303 omnibus model series made its debut at the Paris Motor Show.