In a time of need…

I know I am just a car guy in this great big world.  I saw something on the CNN that hit home this morning.  First off , let me say I do not know them, but there is a family not to far from RBM North, that has a great need.    I know times are hard for everyone now, but this is a little different.  They aren’t asking for a hand out. 

Two of their children have illnesses that require regular treatment.  In an effort to help pay for their medical expenses they have listed the majority of their personal belongings on Ebay in one lump auction.  See here.  A donation site has also been set up if anyone is interested.  They have vowed to give a portion of whatever is received to Autism Speaks and Still’s Disease foundations to help others with the same needs. 

In reading through the auction I found their computer, digital camera, and video recorder as part of the listing.  Being a parent of a 1 year old that seemed to strike me the hardest.  For the other parents out there think of all the memories you have captured of your kids over time.  They are priceless!  They are willing to give up those belongings because the well being of their family is more important. 

I know I can’t save them myself, but I wanted to make an effort to help them.  One resource I have, like them, is the power of the internet.  Maybe it is just skipping lunch today and donating $5.00 to them, or maybe something greater?  I don’t know, but I felt I needed to take a few minutes and try to do my part by posting this.   

You can see their website at  I am sure any help is greatly appreciated. 

Adam Denault