Awards for PRE-SAFE® and PRE-SAFE® Brake: Mercedes-Benz receives two Euro NCAP Advanced Rewards

The independent European safety association Euro NCAP (European New Car Assessment Programme), has rewarded Mercedes-Benz as part of the new Euro NCAP Advanced programme by awarding the company prizes for its anticipatory occupant protection system PRE-SAFE® as well as its PRE-SAFE® Brake driver assistance system. Dr. Michiel van Ratingen, Secretary General of Euro NCAP,presented the awards to Prof. Dr. Ing. Rodolfo Schöneburg, Head of Passive Safety and Vehicle Functions for Mercedes-Benz Cars and Dr. Jörg Breuer, Head of Active Safety for Mercedes-Benz Cars, at the Paris Motor Show. Continue reading

SLS AMG gets top attraction at the Frankfurt Auto Show.

The new Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG was the undisputed No. 1 attraction at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. This is shown by an online public survey conducted in connection with the show by AutoScout24. By a wide margin, the new Gullwing model was voted the most popular among 27 new product presentations. This means that immediately after its world premiere, the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG has received its first sought-after award in the form
of the Carolina Trophy.
SLS Gullwing