Collision Prevention Assist Plus

Mercedes-Benz holds over 85,000 patents for the automobile most of which are safety related.  Through the introduction of these numerous pioneering safety solutions and technologies, Mercedes-Benz continues to define new standards for vehicle safety.  One of the latest to be introduced is Collision Prevention Assist Plus or CPA+ for short.  A part of the larger Intelligent Drive System, CPA+ adds autonomous braking to the current Collision Prevention Assist System.

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New CLA will be the most aerodynamic production car

Mercedes-Benz says the new CLA will be the most aerodynamic of all production cars.  With it’s 0.22 drag coefficient, the Mercedes-Benz claims the CLA sets the new aerodynamic benchmark among all series production cars, beating electric cars such as the Chevy Volt.

mercedes-claWhile pricing has not been announced, the CLA which is designed to resemble a downsized version of the CLS, is rumored to start below the current C-Class Sedan.

The CLA-Class is aimed at winning over young Gen Y buyers, who comprise 75 million people in the U.S. and now are reaching car-buying age, but are not aspiring to buy a Mercedes.

The CLA is powered by a turbocharged 211-hp 4-cyl gasoline engine equipped with a start/stop eco system and coupled with a 7-speed automatic dual-clutch transmission.  It will also be the first front wheel drive Mercedes-Benz.